<ITEM ID="ActivateText" CLASS="ttntmemo" CAPTION="1. Acquire your activation key via WebClient (Tools - Licenses menu) or
from your administrator.
2. In order to obtain the license, enter the activation key into the below field
and press "Activate License.""/>
<ITEM ID="ActivateServerLicenseMemo" CLASS="ttntmemo" CAPTION="In order to complete the online activation, please enter your order ID below
and click the "Activate License" button.
This order ID was provided to you upon completion of your license purchase
via email and has the following format:
Example order ID: USA20091006-155703-33335
If you do not have your order ID you can contact your license supplier to have
it sent again."/>
<ITEM ID="EnterLicenseMemo" CLASS="ttntmemo" CAPTION="If you have already generated a license.xml file through the web site you may
enter it here to activate the license.
To enter the license.xml file click the "Enter License File" button below and
browse to the license.xml file."/>
<ITEM ID="ActivationKeyExplanationL" CLASS="ttntlabel" CAPTION="Activation Key enables user to properly license selected client application. Once generated, it is available to user through WebClient interface or via SmartSync request from client application."/>
<ITEM ID="EmailSubjectFormatLabel" CLASS="ttntlabel" CAPTION="Activation Key for %0:s"/>
<ITEM ID="EmailBodyFormatLabel" CLASS="ttntmemo" CAPTION="Please, find the Activation Key for %0:s below.
You can download %0:s and its documentation from %1:s.
This Activation Key is required to activate %0:s and you are allowed to use this key for activation of the product on %2:s computer(s).
If you are not connected to the Internet or Online Activation fails for any reason, you can activate your %0:s using "Offline Activation" option. License file required for this method is created via
Activation Key:
<ITEM ID="ConnectorInstallLabel" CLASS="ttntmemo" CAPTION="a) Install IceWarp Outlook Connector to the desktop computer with Microsoft Outlook.
b) Open menu item "IceWarp Connector" in Microsoft Outlook and select menu item "About IceWarp Connector"
c) Press button "License" and paste the Activation Key below into the tab "Online Activation"."/>
<ITEM ID="MemoText" CLASS="ttntmemo" CAPTION="The license server appears to be offline.
To complete the request, first export the license to a file and follow the instructions
on our website.
In order to export your license, click "Export License" and visit
Once you have obtained your new license from our website, use "Activate
<ITEM ID="LicenseErrorsMemo" CLASS="ttntmemo" CAPTION="Unknown license error: [%s] %s
The version of IceWarp Server is too old. License cannot be processed online, please go to http://shop.icewarp.com/ to finish this process offline, or contact your IceWarp representative.
Purchase ID is not valid, please use another one which you have obtained during license purchase or from your IceWarp representative.
It is not possible to activate your license any more. All allowed activations has already been processed.
IceWarp Server license is in TRIAL mode or has not been activated yet. Online license processing cannot be finished.
Activation process cannot be finished. The product which you have tried to activate is not included within the license of your IceWarp Server.
Your license retrieval exceeds maximum allowed tries. Check status at IceWarp Web site navigation Home>Purchase>Retrieve License and contact your license supplier.
Your license was not approved for delivery and can not be retrieved. Check status at IceWarp Web site navigation Home>Purchase>Retrieve License or contact your license supplier."/>
<ITEM ID="ContainListBox" CLASS="ttntcombobox" CAPTION="Contains list of strings (semi-colon separated)
Contains string
Starts with string
Ends with string
Is string
Contains list from file or pattern"/>
<ITEM ID="dprimary" VALUE="Testing Primary Domain '%s' for MX Record..."/>
<ITEM ID="dprimaryok" VALUE="Primary Domain Test Successful."/>
<ITEM ID="dprimaryerror" VALUE="Primary Domain Test Error.
Either the Internet connection is down or the Primary Domain does not have a proper MX record."/>
<ITEM ID="dconnect" VALUE="Testing Internet Connectivity..."/>
<ITEM ID="dconnectok" VALUE="Internet Connectivity Test Successful."/>
<ITEM ID="dconnecterror" VALUE="Internet Connectivity Test Error.
Either the Internet connection is down or the destination host is unreachable."/>
<ITEM ID="dservices" VALUE="Testing Internet Services..."/>
<ITEM ID="dservicesok" VALUE="Internet Services Test Successful."/>
<ITEM ID="dserviceserror" VALUE="Internet Services Test Failed.
The following services are not running: %s"/>
<ITEM ID="capplygroupsettings" VALUE="Do you want to apply the new group settings now?"/>
<ITEM ID="sttrial" VALUE="This is day %s of your %s-day %s trial period.
There are no functional limitations during this period."/>
<ITEM ID="stappexpired" VALUE="Your %s-day trial mode has expired.
%s will be still working for another 30 days however some features are limited and you cannot change any existing settings.
Please, purchase a full license or stop using the software."/>
<ITEM ID="streferencemismatch" VALUE="Your license does not match the local reference ID and results in reference ID mismatch.
The system will continue to work for %s days and then stop working.
Request a regenerated license for the new reference ID using the license dialog or our web site."/>
<ITEM ID="cldays" VALUE="Days"/>
<ITEM ID="clneverexpires" VALUE="Never"/>
<ITEM ID="clicenseok" VALUE="OK"/>
<ITEM ID="clicenseeval" VALUE="Evaluation"/>
<ITEM ID="clicensereference" VALUE="Reference ID mismatch"/>
<ITEM ID="stlicenserevalidationmsg" VALUE="Your license could not be revalidated with our license server.
Please fix any existing connectivity issues or validate the license manually via Activate License.
If the license is not validated, the services will be discontinued after a short grace period."/>
<ITEM ID="cconfirmprimary" VALUE="Are you sure to make this domain primary?"/>
<ITEM ID="cconfirmasreset" VALUE="Are you sure to reset the antispam settings to default?"/>
<ITEM ID="cclear" VALUE="Are you sure to clear the log?"/>
<ITEM ID="clogtoolong" VALUE="
The requested logs were truncated to fit into memory.
Please use time filter or read the log files directly from the disk."/>
<ITEM ID="cprotectionerror" VALUE="The digital signature verification failed.
Please, reinstall the server to fix this problem."/>
<ITEM ID="cdomainclustererror" VALUE="Error during manipulation with domain cluster. Please see the error log for details."/>
<ITEM ID="ccatalogempty" VALUE="Catalog name must not be blank."/>
<ITEM ID="cbename" VALUE="Please, check the domain name. It must be filled."/>
<ITEM ID="cmailboxpassword" VALUE="Please, check the username/password for duplicity."/>
<ITEM ID="ccatalogduplicty" VALUE="Please, check the item/catalog name for duplicity."/>
<ITEM ID="cmailboxpasswordpolicy" VALUE="The password you specified is violating the password policy and makes your system vulnerable.
Do you want to use this password?"/>
<ITEM ID="cuserforwardtoincorrect" VALUE="Account cannot forward to itself!"/>
<ITEM ID="cbenamealias" VALUE="Please, check the alias and username. These must be filled."/>
<ITEM ID="cleave" VALUE="You have made some changes. Do you want to save them?"/>
<ITEM ID="cchoosedomain" VALUE="Please, specify the domain."/>
<ITEM ID="ccheckconfirm" VALUE="Please, check the password and confirmation."/>
<ITEM ID="cpostmastererror" VALUE="Please, check the domain administrator email address. A primary domain administrator email address must not be blank."/>
<ITEM ID="cinvalidchar" VALUE="Please, check the entered characters. Some of the characters are not allowed."/>
<ITEM ID="ccheckaliasduplicity" VALUE="Please, check the alias for duplicity in the current domain."/>
<ITEM ID="ccheckduplicitydomain" VALUE="Please, check the domain for duplicity."/>
<ITEM ID="cdelete" VALUE="Are you sure to remove this item(s)?"/>
<ITEM ID="cdeleteobject" VALUE="Are you sure to remove '%s'?"/>
<ITEM ID="cdeletelog" VALUE="Are you sure to remove the logs for the whole day?"/>
<ITEM ID="csaveall" VALUE="Save changes in the configuration?"/>
<ITEM ID="cerrhostname" VALUE="Please, check the mail server host name. It must be filled with proper characters."/>
<ITEM ID="cerrdomains" VALUE="The license supports only 1 domain. If you need more you have to purchase a different license. Please, visit our web site to find out more."/>
<ITEM ID="cerrusers" VALUE="The license supports a limited number of accounts. If you need more you have to purchase an additional account license or purchase a different license. Please, visit our web site to find out more."/>
<ITEM ID="cprocedurenotremote" VALUE="This procedure can be done in the local configuration only."/>
<ITEM ID="cmaxexceeded" VALUE="The maximum number of items has been reached."/>
<ITEM ID="csavefile" VALUE="Save changes to the file?"/>
<ITEM ID="cparamserror" VALUE="Please, make sure that all required properties are properly set."/>
<ITEM ID="cnewerversion" VALUE="There is new %s %s version on the Internet. Do you want to download it now?"/>
<ITEM ID="clatestversion" VALUE="You are using the latest version."/>
<ITEM ID="ccertok" VALUE="Certificate created successfully."/>
<ITEM ID="ccertfail" VALUE="Certificate could not be created."/>
<ITEM ID="cdnstestok" VALUE="DNS query test successful."/>
<ITEM ID="cdnstestfailed" VALUE="DNS query test failed. You should change the DNS server and test again until the test is successful."/>
<ITEM ID="cquerystring" VALUE="SQL Statement"/>
<ITEM ID="cdbconnection" VALUE="DB Connection"/>
<ITEM ID="cbackupfolder" VALUE="Browse for folder to save the backup to"/>
<ITEM ID="cbackupok" VALUE="Backup successful."/>
<ITEM ID="cbackuperror" VALUE="Backup failure. For additional information see the error log."/>
<ITEM ID="cbackupdbconflict" VALUE="The selected database is already used by the server. This settings could lead to loss of data hence it was discarded."/>
<ITEM ID="cbrowsefolder" VALUE="Browse for folder"/>
<ITEM ID="canyone" VALUE="Everyone"/>
<ITEM ID="clogonok" VALUE="User has been successfully logged on to the server."/>
<ITEM ID="clogonversionwarning" VALUE="Note that the server is running version %s which is newer than your console's version %s.
It is recommended to use the same version."/>
<ITEM ID="cloadingdata" VALUE="Loading data..."/>
<ITEM ID="cnoconnect" VALUE="Could not connect to the server"/>
<ITEM ID="cerruser" VALUE="Invalid username or password"/>
<ITEM ID="cdisconnected" VALUE="User has been disconnected from the server"/>
<ITEM ID="cconnecting" VALUE="Connecting to %s..."/>
<ITEM ID="ccommanderr" VALUE="The operation could not be completed. Please, check all the options and ensure you have the proper rights."/>
<ITEM ID="ccommandtcperr" VALUE="Remote connection protocol error. Possibly, your action forced the remote control service to restart. Please, also make sure you have the latest version of both the server and the client."/>
<ITEM ID="ccommandversionerr" VALUE="Incompatible version of the server and the client application."/>
<ITEM ID="cconfigchange" VALUE="The main config file has been changed (API/WebAdmin), you should reload the config file before any further saving, do you want to reload now?
Click "Yes" will reload the settings but ignore current modification.
Click "No" will apply the current setting but ignore last modification via such as API / WebAdmin."/>
<ITEM ID="cconfigmigratedb" VALUE="The database migration process drops the Destination tables and migrates all tables and records from the source.
It can take a long time to migrate the whole database, especially on systems with a large amount of records.
Are you sure you want to migrate the database now?"/>
<ITEM ID="cconfigmigratedbswitch" VALUE="Do you want to switch to the destination DSN now?"/>
<ITEM ID="cmigrationisnotready" VALUE="Some of the mailboxes were not migrated yet. Please, try again later."/>
<ITEM ID="codbcalreadydata" VALUE="There are already some records in the database. Are you sure to add data which might create record duplicates?"/>
<ITEM ID="codbcdoconvert" VALUE="It is recommended that you convert your current domains and users to the newly created database. Would you like to do that now?"/>
<ITEM ID="cldapsynchro" VALUE="You are just about to synchronize all users with the LDAP server. This process should be done only for the first time when used the Shared Address Book feature. It might take some time. Are you sure you continue?"/>
<ITEM ID="cldapsynchrofinished" VALUE="Synchronization finished. %s out of %s user accounts were synchronized."/>
<ITEM ID="cldapsynchronotenoughinfo" VALUE="Please specify the LDAP Host and Base DN first."/>
<ITEM ID="cmlaimportok" VALUE="Request was sent to the background importer."/>
<ITEM ID="cmlaimmportfail" VALUE="Request could not be sent to the background importer."/>
<ITEM ID="cgwrenamedefaultsuccess" VALUE="Rename was successfull."/>
<ITEM ID="cgwrenamedefaultfailure" VALUE="Rename was not successfull."/>
<ITEM ID="defaulttoolbar" VALUE=";;DIVIDER;
New Group (Ctrl+G);42;FUNCTION;NEWACCOUNT(1)
New Mailing List (Ctrl+M);56;FUNCTION;NEWACCOUNT(2)
New List Server (Ctrl+G);61;FUNCTION;NEWACCOUNT(3)
New Executable (Ctrl+E);54;FUNCTION;NEWACCOUNT(4)
New Remote Account (Ctrl+R);57;FUNCTION;NEWACCOUNT(5)
New Static Route (Ctrl+Z);55;FUNCTION;NEWACCOUNT(6)
New Notification (Ctrl+N);53;FUNCTION;NEWACCOUNT(7)
New Catalog (Ctrl+T);62;FUNCTION;NEWACCOUNT(8)
<ITEM ID="fm_panellabel" VALUE="%s in %d files, %d dirs"/>
<ITEM ID="messagepatternplain" VALUE="Text body of the message.
<ITEM ID="messagepatternhtml" VALUE="$$SetPartBoundary --XX$$
Content-Type: text/plain
This is the text part of the message.
Content-Type: text/html
This is the <b>html</b> part of the message.
<ITEM ID="wa_about" VALUE="Welcome to IceWarp WebAdmin, the web-based interface to IceWarp Server
Please be aware of its limitations compared to other administrative
tools: WebAdmin cannot execute programs, configure DB connections,
stop Web/Control service without disconnecting you, it provides only
basic charting/statistics and some advanced setup options are not
For comprehensive remote server management consider the following tools:
1. Remote Connection from Administration GUI application, more details
in Remote Server Administration section under Main Menu chapter of
IceWarp Server Windows Reference Guide.
2. Administration GUI including Remote Connection also runs in Wine in
Linux. More details in Linux Quick Guide and in Support Knowledge Base.
3. The command-line interpreter 'tool.exe' or 'tool.sh' for direct API
access, more details in the IceWarp Server API chapter or Guide.";
4. Linux installer script ./wizard.sh which provides basic operations
on account, storage and license management.
More details in Installation and Control in Linux Guide."/>
<ITEM ID="wa_mailingsourcedomain" VALUE="Members from text file|All current domain users"/>
<ITEM ID="wa_error_deletedomainadmin" VALUE="Sorry, admin accounts cant be deleted by domain admins"/>